Monday, December 17, 2018

Upgrade the itrezzo UCM server (Installer method)

By Harpreet Singh Wasu

If you are facing issues with the current version of your itrezzo UCM server or just want to upgrade, here is a step-by-step article.

1. Open a browser and go to
    You can also double-click on the Download icon on the desktop of server running itrezzo UCM.

2. Click on the latest itrezzoAgentX.Y.Z..exe file. To identify if the current version of your server, look at the green bar the bottom of the web admin.

3. Click on the .exe file with the latest version number to download and Save it to a desired location.

4. Click on Start and type services.msc to open Services management console.

5. Stop these two itrezzo services:
  • itrezzo ECO Platform
  • itrezzoAgent Unified Contact Manager

6. You can leave the itrezzo ECO Watchdog alone. By default it's start up mode is Manual.

7. Once the itrezzoAgent.exe is downloaded, open File Explorer and navigate to the folder where you downloaded the setup file.

8. Double click on the itrezzoAgent.exe setup file > Click Install > Select Yes if prompted for User Account Control.

9. Once the Installation is successfully completed, click on Close on the itrezzoAgent Window.

10. Close all the File Explorer windows and the itrezzo update server web-page and return to  services.msc management console.

11. Start the two itrezzo services:
  • itrezzo ECO Platform
  • itrezzoAgent Unified Contact Manager
12. Double click on the Web Admin from the desktop to open the itrezzoECO Platform Admin Console.

You are all set and your itrezzo UCM software is up to date now ! 

If  you face any any issues while performing the steps above, reach out to our support staff.

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